Comments for Realistic Living Sun, 09 Jul 2017 13:33:26 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Uses of the Word “God” by Anne-Marie Thu, 18 May 2017 02:32:21 +0000 As I get older, the more I realize there is much I don’t know or understand. As today it is the celebration of Ascension Day, I had been looking at Salvador Dali’s painting of it which opens my eyes to a new way of seeing. I note also his comment, “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” This also ties in with my understanding of the enneagram for to fly, we need both our wings and to hold the contradictions. These are just thoughts, one flowing into another because really it is all a Mystery.

Comment on In But Not Of by Gene Marshall Sat, 23 Jan 2016 22:00:32 +0000 In reply to John and Lynda Cock.

Thanks John and Lynda. I am looking forward to working with this improvement of my stay at home services. I will appreciate any help or suggestions you have for me.


Comment on In But Not Of by John and Lynda Cock Sat, 23 Jan 2016 20:19:17 +0000 Wayne and you, Gene, et al., have done a super job here. Thanks for sending. Can’t get along without our younger ones who teach us the ropes of cyberspace connections. I have clocked you now at several zillion words by all media. Keep up the great work, as Th. Berry has reminded us, and J.W. Mathews has helped ignite us, and Spirit sustains us. Namaste.

Comment on In But Not Of by Gene Marshall Sat, 23 Jan 2016 16:12:52 +0000 In reply to F. Nelson Stover.

Thanks. Great to here from you Nelson. I too have been interested in “the DIFFERENCE between the Daharma Tradition and the Judeo-Christian Wisdom.” Some of my recent reflections are spelled out in Part Five of my recent book The Enigma of Consciousness. Also, I will e-mail you a pdf of a draft copy of Part Five of that book. Gene

Comment on In But Not Of by F. Nelson Stover Sat, 23 Jan 2016 14:39:21 +0000 Nicely formatted. I look forward to following some of your discussions. I am now in India working with the ICA Tribal Ashram School. I was joined earlier this month by six college students from Guilford College. We studied a book “Being Different” by Rajiv Malhotra. Quite interesting discussion of the DIFFERENCE between the Dharmic traditions and the Judeo-Christian wisdom. The book helped shape our responses to our time in India.

Comment on Truth and the Bible by George May Mon, 12 May 2014 22:20:35 +0000 Thank you for your article. I agree with your statement that “The Bible is being misused by people . . .” I agree with Jesus who believed the Bible was literally true, e.g., “Before Moses was I am,” (John 8:58).

Comment on Beyond Tribal Religion to the God of the Bible by Mike Sun, 10 Nov 2013 16:46:33 +0000 I appreciate your words. As a person raised in fundalmentalism I find Spong’s words inspiring and more of a bridge from where I was to where you are. Hard to go from fundalmentalism to to where your at without that bridge.please email me Spong’s essay

Comment on The Critique of and Creation of Religion by Tim Marvin Fri, 21 Sep 2012 21:40:34 +0000 I have been wondering what happened to you. I am a long time student ( 20 plus years) of Almass, in both an International Group and sponsored a Gulf Coast Group centered in Houston. I also spent some time with Wilber. In my looking to my Christian heritage I have found the blog of Episcopal Contemplative Maggie Ross and the writings of Nyack College scholar Jjames Danaher to be very eye opening. They are relatively unknown, given what I have read from you, I think you might find them important in your journey.

Comment on The Dark Nights of Advent by Brady Mansmann Sun, 20 Mar 2011 07:37:17 +0000 You made some great points there. I did a search around the topic and discovered most folks will agree with
your weblog.

Comment on Teach Us to Pray by David Brubaker Tue, 01 Mar 2011 22:00:16 +0000 Your explanation gives some meaning and “life” to a prayer that sometimes seems like just words that we repeat by habit, almost mindlessly.
